November 13, 2006
Chinese Zodiac
Tor those of you who are curious about the animals mentioned in the celebrity match post below, which are not explained on the site (the elements are), Hubba (Bou's mom) mentions that they may be referring to the Chineses zodiac. It makes sense, so I posted it in the extended entry.

Chinese Zodiac Meanings and Symbols
MI (Snake): 2001, '88, '77, '65, '53, '41, '29. Wise charming and romantic. A deep thinker and intuitive. Needs effort to keep a sense of humor and not to be overly tight with money.
UMA (Horse): 2002, '89, '78, '66, '54, '42, '30. Independent and a hard worker. Although friendly, may have a tendency to be selfish. Must guard against being egotistical.
HITSUJI (Goat): 2003, '90, '79, '67, '55, '43, '31. Charming, elegant and artistic but quick to complain. Tendency to be pessimistic at times.
SARU (Monkey): 2004, 1992, '80, '68, '56, '44, '32, '20. Must guard against being an opportunist and being distrustful of people.
TORI (Rooster): 1993, '81, '69, '57, '45, '33, '21. Hard worker and shrewd. Tendency to seem boastful. A dreamer, flashy dresser and extravagant.
INU (Dog): 1994, '82, '70, '58, '46, '34, '22. Honest and faithful to loved ones. Tendency to worry and find fault.
I (Boar) :1995, '83, '71, '59, '47, '35, '23. Intellectual and sets difficult goals. Sincere and honest and expects same. Somewhat naive. Tendency towards materialism.
NE (Rat) : 1996, '84, '72, '60, '48, '36, '24. Imaginative, charming and generous to loved ones. Tendency to quick temper and being overly critical. Somewhat an opportunists.
USHI (Ox): 1997, '85, '73, '61, '49, '37, '25. A leader and inspirer of confidence. Conservative and methodical. Tendency to chauvinism and having one's own way.
Tora (Tiger):1998, '85, '74, '62, '50, '38, '26. Sensitive, emotional and capable of great love. Despite this, a tendency to be hotheaded and stubborn.
U (Rabbit): 1999, '86, '75, '63, '51, '39, '27. Affectionate, obliging, pleasant. Tendency to be overly sentimental. A conservative.
TATSU (Dragon): 2000, '88, '76, '64, '52, '40, '28. Intelligent, gifted and full of vitality. A perfectionist who must guard against making unduly demands.
Posted by That 1 Guy at November 13, 2006 07:53 AM | TrackBackI'm a Rooster. I could think of other animals I rather be.
Posted by: Sissy at November 13, 2006 06:58 PMHITSUJI (Goat): 2003, '90, '79, '67, '55, '43, '31. Charming(?), elegant and artistic but quick to complain. Tendency to be pessimistic at times.
Posted by: Tammi at November 17, 2006 08:30 PM