February 11, 2008

Posted by That 1 Guy at February 11, 2008 07:06 AM | TrackBack
..... you know, while I respect you and your ideals to the utmost, I will never truly realize why it is that you fancy this girl so much......... her hair isn't even HALF as dark as it should be...
Posted by: Eric at February 13, 2008 08:25 PMPermission to 'splain it to you Eric...
I don't fancy the idea that Brad Pitt's poker has entered the buildin', but Joe has a decent eye I'd say. Not that you don't now, put it back in holster, or garage, whichever you're totin'...
What I'd like to see, is do the curtains match the drapes...
You got one of those in stock T1G?
Posted by: RedNeck at February 15, 2008 07:21 PM