October 07, 2006
Damn Zonker. He goes and makes us all think he's dead. Ceased to be. Pining for the sands of Syria. Then, once we've all resigned ourselves to a Zonkerless blogosphere, he decides to put in an appearance. Jerk.
After all the work I went through to design his tombstone...

you're right about the lashes, but it just remindes me, if we ain't zonkin, then we ain't living. i am depressed.
Posted by: shoe at October 8, 2006 05:41 AMHe's a Zonkbie T1G... I'd shoot first and ask the mullet later... just in case.
Posted by: RedNeck at October 8, 2006 06:09 PMHaha, too funny!
Posted by: Sissy at October 9, 2006 08:32 PMBeware the ides of October, bitch.
Posted by: zonker at October 10, 2006 06:48 AM