March 01, 2006
What If???
Just a thought, as we all start gearing up for Easter. This is, after all, the first day of Lent, for those that celebrate it.
Now before I provide the question and pic, let me tell you right now, this may offend some folks. It might be a bit irreverant. It's probably safe to say that it's not safe for work.... blah, blah, blah. Just a heads up, is all.
What if, instead of me being like Jesus, Jesus had been like me?

Yeah... hate to say it, cuz I like you folks, but you'd all be screwed.
Posted by That 1 Guy at March 1, 2006 04:50 AM
You are so going to hell, and remind me not to stand to close to you at the next blogmeet.
Lightening is in your future son.
Posted by: Machelle at March 1, 2006 07:36 AMYeah, I'm with Machelle, I'll put a little distance between us next time we meet, I don't need a suntan that badly!
Posted by: Oddybobo at March 1, 2006 07:57 AMPFFFFTTT BWHAHAHAAHAHAAH!!!
It would be even better showing a roman centurion with the cross shoved up his ass.
Something tells me that if that was the case I'd be a pretty regular chruch goer :)
Posted by: Graumagus at March 1, 2006 08:29 AMJust a wild guess here. Are you having a steak for dinner on Friday?
Posted by: Jerry at March 1, 2006 08:39 AMROTFLMAO!
Posted by: Carmen at March 1, 2006 09:30 AMThough it was a bit shocking, you do have a point. Not many of us would/could put up with what he did for us if we were doing it for others.
Posted by: Tige at March 1, 2006 01:03 PMI'm offended! Now what buildings do I get to burn down?
Posted by: Ogre at March 1, 2006 01:35 PMGood thing more people worship Jesus and Jeebus
Shoot man, I thought for SURE, there was gonna be some kinda lent/fish reference.
Had four more paragraphs that I spared you all from by holdin' down the backspace key...
You're welcome...
Posted by: RedNeck at March 1, 2006 06:04 PMJesus took steroids?
Posted by: Harvey at March 2, 2006 04:56 PM