August 30, 2004

Sanity Restored; Temporarily

I cried for help, and you answered. Thanks to Contagion, Boudicca, Johnny-Oh, and of course, blogpop Harvey.

I knew that the poem wasn't something our family made up (it makes too much sense ... scary, huh?), I just had no idea where it came from!

Contagion sent me his version, which has added verses, but is very similar once it hits the part I posted. Took a bit for others to answer, so I was beginning to think it was something from our area. But Boudicca and Johnny-Oh cleared that up for me.

So now I know it's not a regional thing. Just got to wondering where/when/who did it come from? Harvey sent me this link to help out. It helps out alot, and shows some of the variations of the poem. I like the intro found in this section.

And, Boudicca, if Toluca Nole does come up with some more info, please send it to me. I know it sounds strange, but I'm just a little curious about how this thing evolved and spread around!

Posted by That 1 Guy at August 30, 2004 03:39 AM | TrackBack