November 23, 2007
Digging through some of the boxes from the move, I came across my photo albums. Nothing special... mostly stuff from when I was about twelve, jumping to high school, then jumping to Marine Corps, and mid to late thirties. There's been a few changes, methinks.
Anyway, I found a pic that a buddy had sent to me, and I couldn't help but grin.
He'd been in our sister series going through bootcamp, and then once we got into SOI, we were in the same platoon... mortars. 0341. He was a Reservist, and I hassled him nonstop about being a part time Marine. I can't write most of the crap that I called him... at least not here... but that's what friends are for, right?
So I found this pic, and this is what he had written on the back of it.
I had to send this picture, I was showing it to some friends at work, then someone asked "How come you're smiling, and he looks so sad?" Then I suddenly replied, "OORAH Reservists!!"

Oorah, indeed...
Posted by That 1 Guy at November 23, 2007 05:23 PM | TrackBackoh my gosh...
I think I recognize the face there... a little. Goodness gracious... Is that? can it be?
Bunny suit?
Finally, a post after the master! Thanks for sharing. I love it.
Happy Thanksgiving "Jarhead!"
Posted by: Mushy at November 23, 2007 07:02 PMWow, what's funny about this story is that it goes hand-in-hand with a story my father told me on Thanksgiving... about the Marines. Dad was a submariner.
Posted by: Contagion at November 24, 2007 08:11 AMI don't think you look sad at all... Hungry, maybe - but not sad.
Great picture either way! :)
Posted by: Richmond at November 24, 2007 08:14 AMGreat picture Dude! Was this in 1945 or 46? I didn't realize that they had color pictures back then, but I guess it was "new technology".
Have a Coke and a Smile! ;)
*running quickly in the opposite direction*
Posted by: Lee Ann at November 24, 2007 09:23 AMGeesh...doesn't he realize? That *IS* your happy face.....
Posted by: Tammi at November 24, 2007 09:24 AMSuch a little cutie. *grin*
Posted by: Teresa at November 24, 2007 11:00 AMI believe one of our jibes had something to do with feminine hygiene products. I give the husband crap all the time ;p
Posted by: Mink at November 24, 2007 06:10 PMI'm laughing at Richmond. 'Hungry maybe'. Heh! Good grief. You look so short! :)
Posted by: Bou at November 24, 2007 11:06 PM... ha!.... here's to the Sunny Slopes of Long Ago, T1G... we've both certainly bloomed since our time in the Corps.....
Posted by: Eric at November 25, 2007 07:37 AMDo you really want to be posting pictures of your self right before a bunch of us evil women are fixing to take over your blog???
Anywayz - I almost didn't recognize you. My Gott!
Posted by: Carmen at November 26, 2007 02:50 PMWhat did you weigh back then? A buck ten soaking wet?! Wow...I'll bet you and I were the same size.
Posted by: Ktreva at November 26, 2007 07:36 PMT1G,
Good Gott! Was this before you discovered beer and bacon?
Hmmm. I agree with Richmond. Definately hungry.
Posted by: oddybobo at November 27, 2007 07:42 AMIs he grabbin' your ass? I'm just askin'. He's smilin', you aint. Was he one of those grab ass bastards I hear about everytime I put full metal jacket into the light shiner?
Also, is this "pre-tat" T1G? Or is this what spawned tatted T1G? Like I meant to say, inquirin' minds want to know.
Posted by: RedNeck at November 27, 2007 07:49 PMYeah, where the fuck is his hand, anyway???
Posted by: Mark at November 29, 2007 11:00 PM