September 17, 2006
Kansas and Back
After a hurried trip home, and a long drive back, things are right back to "normal." Busy, busy, busy. But that's a good thing. I think. The only thing that really sucks is that my blogging isn't what I'd like it to be. Oh, I know... the writing has always sucked. But I haven't really been able to read all of the blogs that I would like. That sucks.
The trip home was along the same lines. Alot of folks that I wanted to see and visit with, and I only was able to hit about half of them. Time is nobody's friend on a short trip like that.
I did manage to hook up with quite a few members of my family, and a couple of bloggers. Some bar friends, too. It was much needed.
In addition to hooking up with Tammi and Richmond, I also got to meet up with Contagion and Ktreva to watch the Bears/Packers game. And drink some beer, of course. The Bears squeaked out a victory, but I took no real pleasure in watching the agony on their faces. They aren't your "arrogant asshole fan" types. Contagion may be an asshole, but he's not an asshole fan. And that means something. What? I don't know.
They were the last folks that I was able to get together with before I left.
While travelling, I try to meet as many folks as possible. Well, without being a pain in the ass. I managed to hook up with my brother in Tennessee, who pressured me into drinking. It's always good to stop by Eric's place. He may not be blood, but he is kin. That's a damn good guy there, as most all of you know. I wish I could have been there for a longer time, as we'd have come up with all kinds of interesting theories... no, facts. Unfortunately, I got there late, and had to leave early. If you consider 10 am early, as I do.
The following morning, I was off on my way again. That day, I was to meet up with two bloggers... who are actually one. Alabama Improper, and c.a.Marks, met with me for lunch, in Huntsville, Alabama. After driving until things looked right, I met up with her at one of her favorite diners. Good food, and a great visit. Too bad that she had to head back to work. Next time I'm through your area, Alabamarks, we've gotta do it again.
I left there, stomach full, and eyelids heavy, dodging Atlanta by heading down 65 to Montgomery, and then on down through Dothan. Needless to say, I caught a few winks on the way. I ended up trying to call some bloggers, and finally got ahold of Oddybobo, and then Army Wife. They helped me stay awake, and for that, I thank them. Besides... it was cool chatting with them anyway.
Once I hit the AL/FL state line, the rains started, in the hopes to make me pass right out. I fought it all the way back here, but it did kick my buttocks. Especially the right one... I forgot to remove my wallet from my back pocket. Unfortunately, I'm unable to upload any pics, so you won't get a pic of the bruise. :)
While it's good to be back here, and have things taking off, it was great being home. Heel clicking aside, Dorothy had it right.
Posted by That 1 Guy at September 17, 2006 02:42 PM | TrackBackIt was great getting to hang with you, T1G. Here's hoping that we can do it again soon...
(And for heaven's sake, don't be workin' too hard unless you can play hard too.)
Posted by: Richmond at September 17, 2006 05:09 PMThanks for the compliment, but you didn't even mention the Dragon's Milk!
Posted by: Contagion at September 17, 2006 06:10 PMYep, it was nice meeting you in person. I hope you come back again sometime.
Posted by: c.a. Marks at September 17, 2006 08:17 PMFine. Go ahead and dodge Atlanta then. See if I care.
Posted by: zonker at September 17, 2006 10:57 PM... always a pleasure, big guy.... drop by any time...
Posted by: Eric at September 18, 2006 11:19 AM