August 27, 2006


Weird... I just woke up from a strange nightmare, just as a giant spinning blade was coming towards me. This dream was ultra weird...

I was trying to get back into the service... the Marines did not want me because of my heels' deformity, but the Army is all for it. I show up for training, and nobody talks... no one. They just do. How they know what to do is beyond me. NOBODY talks... they will laugh if you make them, but your ass is grass if you do. My ass is grass often.

The base general has something weird going on. I think it is something to do with voodoo. Not sure, but when I go down into the basement of this building that they were using as a chow hall, or whatever the Doggies call their eataria, shit gets wild. I run into an old black man who is skinny as hell... it is me. I hear a voice pleading with me, coming from a ladderwell leading to a sub-basement, and discover my grand daughter looking up at me with terror in her eyes. "Gramma is back. You need to stop her." Then she disappears. Stupid me, I know that couldn't have been my grand daughter, but I decide to head down after her. I descend into a hell of sorts.

Slimy water runs over the floor, which I soon discover is covered with glass shards and razorblades. Snotty looking crap drips off of the ceiling. It's dark, with very little light, but I can see that something is moving underneath the floor. I set across it, anyway, and end up in a huge room, with a large mixer in the center of it. It's pancake day, and Dana Carvey is the cook. He's singing, "Con Gria, Con Gria.... wash your face with diarrhea. Con Gria...." It's more like a chant, and I'd almost lay money that when I wake up in the morning, I'll have that stuck in my head.

This dream jumped all over... one second, I was here. The next, I was there. At one moment, white... another black. The longer I'm awake, the less I remember, so I'll just finish with the last thing I can remember clearly. In between all of the bootcamp and training, I had two women, Sarah Jessica Parker and Gillian Anderson, chasing after me, nonstop. It was weirding me out. As a matter of fact, that's how I ended up with the giant blade coming at me... I was trying to avoid Sarah, and fell down a shaft in an old mill... which was our chow hall. When I got my bearings, I found I was in the bottom of a giant blender, and my friend Dana Carvey was chanting again, as he turned the giant appliance on.


I know where the "snot" part of the dream came from, but as for the rest, I don't know. I think the spaghetti sauce may have been bad...

Anyways, I'm heading back to bed to see what else Dreamland has in store for me...

Posted by That 1 Guy at August 27, 2006 01:24 AM | TrackBack

That had to have been one damned big blender.....

Are you SURE you didn't take any Nyquil?!?!?!

Posted by: Tammi at August 27, 2006 04:49 AM

... whoa... I'm going back to bed....

Posted by: Eric at August 27, 2006 06:58 AM

IF that's not a full blown short story to be fleshed out...

get to it.

Posted by: RSM at August 27, 2006 07:04 AM

Very interesting....verrrry interesting... Now tell me, when was the first time you realized you had feelings for your mother?

Just kidding...
So, with all kidding aside= it sounds like all the world's a blender, and you are the margarita man.

Posted by: Rave at August 27, 2006 07:07 AM

I am LMAO! I was reading that and yelled in my head, "Wait! I know where the snot came from!" Heh.

Maybe this all in some way is related to the fact you are on the path of a hurricane. It jumbled up your subconscious. ;-)

Posted by: Bou at August 27, 2006 11:11 AM

Wow. No more spaghetti sauce for you...

Posted by: Richmond at August 27, 2006 12:26 PM

Thats what you get for running AWAY from Gillian Anderson.....

Posted by: BloodSpite at August 27, 2006 04:11 PM