August 12, 2006
Garden Terrorists

Members of the crack garden terrorist arm, Hezgnomah, on parade this past week. ©Rotters
Hezbollah has been training a group of elite fighters, which they revealed earlier this week. Infidel veggies best beware.
"We have gathered the best of the best, when it comes to garden fighting. By recruiting gnomes, the regulars in our division will have a keen insight into proper gardening and garden patrolling. They in turn will train the gnomes to fight viciously, and proudly, with no surrender but death. The western infidel vegetables will be destroyed without mercy," Hezgnomah spokesman, Ahipa Arugula.
Posted in accordance with the laws of Ogre.
They get 72 tomato plants when they get to heaven!
Posted by: 40 Ounce Loudmouth at August 12, 2006 11:55 PMTomato plants? I thought they got a fruit basket? Sure makes it seem worth the trouble doesn't it?
Is that pic of Hezbollah or is that from pythons silly walk sketch?
Posted by: Tomslick at August 18, 2006 08:06 AM