June 17, 2006
Cups For The Ugly Mugs
As some of you may know, I've got two blog fathers... Grau, of Frizzen Sparks, and Harvey, of Bad Example. I don't usually do anything for them, as far as Father's Day is concerned... I'd be more likely to do something for Mother's Day, but I don't even do that. But this year, I've decided to fix that... and it's not because Harv the Beggar wants a coffee cup. No, it's because he's been a nice guy, and agreed to guest post for me. Grau, his active partner in a number of couplings, benefits from his mate's charity.
Check it out...

Click to enlarge
Not wanting to stick them with a common cliche, they can decorate their own cups.
Hey, it's the least I could do... really.
Posted by That 1 Guy at June 17, 2006 01:59 PMComments
Your generosity is overwhelming.......
Posted by: Tammi at June 17, 2006 02:21 PMI like it! :)
Posted by: Richmond at June 17, 2006 08:15 PMCool! :)
Posted by: Graumagus at June 20, 2006 03:13 AM