February 10, 2006
Smokin' Something
Phin is running late with his weekly Gratuitous Mélissa Theuriau Posting. Phishy, my man, you are like a drug dealer passing out samples, and then leaving us jonesing. You could be making a killing, and yet, you choose just to torment us. You, my phinned friend, are a bastard.
*Updated* They say the whiny addict gets the crack. Phin delivers...
As for what she would see in you, I'm not sure. I think she'd have to be smokin' something.
Well, crap...

You don't gots to tell everybody my seekrit.
Everybody knows I look a helluva lot more appealing after a twelve pack and a bit of crack.
Posted by: phin at February 10, 2006 02:39 PM