June 19, 2005

Father's Day Post

Happy Father's Day to all you pappys out there! I hope it's a good one, and that you are able to do whatever it is you like; fishing, cooking out, lovingly disposing of beer in the proper way, burning ants with a magnifying glass, moshing to death metal... anything you like. It's your day man, celebrate! Just remember the fathers across the water.

I'm suffering a severe case of writer's block right now, so there'll be no mushy or sentimental post from me... though I really wanted to do one. I also had started working on something for my blog faddahs, Grau and Harvey, but that's gone to hell also. Damn. I am going to save what I have, and work on it when I'm in a better mood. I originally was going to try to find some pics of boobs, as they both desire that sort of thing, but I realized that they both are boobs... they can just visit each other's sites.

Probably the only post from me today, unless I get inspired while riding. It's my day to make a visit, and think about my father. After that stop, I usually go for a long ride, or drive.

Merry Father's Day!

Posted by That 1 Guy at June 19, 2005 09:04 AM | TrackBack